Description: How to write, price and market your e-books for profits! Inside this eBook, you will discover the topics about e-books – profit-pulling powerhouses, how to use e-books for marketing and promotion, why sell e-books? How to write an e-book, how to price your e-book and steps to publishing success. ► Contains 20 Pages and 6084 Words. |
License: Unrestricted Private Label Rights (U-PLR) |
Source File: Included |
eCover: Included |
Sales Page: Not Included |
Squeeze Page: Not Included |
Niche: Internet Marketing |
File Size: 1.34 MB |
PLR content refers to materials such as articles, ebooks, and video courses which can be used almost as if you created them yourself. This type of content is extremely valuable for people such as content creators, marketers, coaches, and consultants, especially if they rely on inbound marketing to generate business.